2016-17 Undergraduate Catalog : Macricostas School of Arts & Sciences



HIS 100 Introduction to History 3 SH
This is a basic skills course that does not focus on any one geographical or chronological area. Students would learn: geography, writing, footnoting/citing, methodologies, technology, library skills, etc. — all the fundamentals they will need to be majors. This course also includes a brief introduction to historiography. Students must enroll in this course within one semester of declaring the History major. Prerequisite: Declared History major. Competency: Critical Thinking, First Year.

HIS 101 American Perspectives 3 SH
Analyzes the major issues which have confronted American society from its origins to today. Rather than a chronological approach, the course presents the ways in which historians have viewed the persisting issues of the American past. Stress will be placed on the interaction of historians with the facts of the past in order to assist students to form their own interpretations (Not for major credit). Every semester. General Education: Humanities/History.

HIS/NWC 115 Latin American and Caribbean Civilization
See NWC/HIS 115

HIS 148 American History: To 1877 3 SH
An examination of America’s history from the earliest explorers and colonial times through the Civil War and reconstruction. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 149 American History: Since 1877 3 SH
An examination of American history since 1877, focusing on major social, political and economic trends and touching on such diverse subjects as the rise of industry, World War I and the civil rights movement. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 186 Europe: Ancient and Medieval 3 SH
A critical examination of the forces, movements and ideologies which established Western civilization as the dominant force of the modern world. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 187 Modern Europe 3 SH
An overview of European history and civilization from the Reformation to the present. The main themes will be the unity of the European experience and the dynamism and expansiveness of European civilization. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 200 Colonial America: 1607-1815 3 SH
The course will begin with the earliest European settlements on the continent of North America, tracing the inception and expansion of the various mercantile empires with emphasis upon British colonialism. It will conclude with the mercantile period in United States history through the revolutionary period to 1815. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Intercultural.

HIS 201 Immigrant NYC 3 SH
This course will examine the experience of immigrants and ethnic populations in New York City from the seventeenth century to the present. Topics covered include family, neighborhood, work and the role food plays in building immigrant communities and the city of New York at large. At their own expense, students will visit the Tenement Museum and participate in a multi-ethnic eating tour of New York City’s Lower East Side. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 205 War in Cinema 3 SH
This course will explore the political, social, cultural, and military aspects of the history of war movies, from the 1950s to the present, through consideration of numerous movies. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 206 Prosperity and Depression: America 1914-1939 3 SH
A study of the United States from 1914 to 1939, emphasizing the change to a consumer society, the debate over isolation and the problems of the Great Depression. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Oral Communication, Critical Thinking.

HIS/WS 210 Women in American History 3 SH
This course provides a survey of the history of women in America from colonial settlement until the present. Students consider women’s economic contributions within the household and in waged work, as well as women’s changing political status and the shifting ideologies defining women’s roles. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 211 American Legal History 3 SH
This course will introduce students to the major themes in American legal history. Instruction will be chiefly discussion-based and the focus will be mainly upon primary materials-colonial charters, court decisions, constitutions, statutes, treatises, etc. Prerequisite: HIS 148 and HIS 149.

HIS 212 Recent American History: Since 1945  3 SH
A history of the United States since 1945, emphasizing the Cold War, the McCarthy era, the civil rights movement and the culture of the 1960s. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 213 Southern History 3 SH
In the colonial period, Southern distinctiveness was religious, geographic and economic. Then Southern statesmen led the patriot side in the American Revolution and took key roles in founding the United States of America. In the Early Republic, slavery became a peculiarly Southern institution and Southern political and economic priorities dominated the majority parties. This course will explore these periods as well as the years during and following the Civil War, the period through the end of segregation in the 1960s, and the years since then, mainly through consideration of a large number of primary documents. Alternate spring semesters. Prerequisite: HIS 148. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 216 Latinos & Latinas in U.S. History 3 SH
This course is centered on history yet also takes an interdisciplinary approach. It moves from the Latino/a, actual and mythic, through the Mexican-American War and the Spanish-American War, to the present day. Topics include the Bracero program, Puerto Rico, labor organization, political activism, and Latino/a culture. Reflecting our location, we will consider how Brazilian Americans fit into this picture. The contemporary politics of immigration and the border will also be considered. The class explores the difficulty of grouping diverse people, Hispanics, Chicanos, Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, Dominicans, Dominican-Americans, Puerto Ricans, Hispanos, Cuban-Americans, etc, as a single group. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Intercultural.

HIS/AS 217 The American Dream: Visions and Revisions 3 SH
See AS/HIS 217

HIS 225 Doing Public History 3 SH
This course examines the connections between academic history and public history, in theory and in practice, and serves as an introduction to various subfields in public history. Students will explore the major theoretical, historiographic, ethical, and practical issues public historians face, through readings, writing, class discussion, and field study.  At the core of this course are questions of historic interpretation, collective memory, audience, and educational goals in public history programs. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Creative Process.

HIS 233 The Irish in America 3 SH
This course examines various waves of Irish immigrants to the United States from the colonial era to the present. This course will consider the role of religion, nationalism, popular culture, race, class and gender in the shaping of Irish American community and identity. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 245 Egypt of the Pharaohs 3 SH
Examines the history and civilization of ancient Egypt from 3100 B.C. to the fall of Cleopatra in 30 B.C. and demonstrates parallels of human behavior between antiquity and modern times. Analysis of the history of the dynastic period and the influence of the Nile on Egyptian civilization, religion (the temple, funerary rites, mummification), hieroglyphic writing, function and construction of the pyramids, the state apparatus, daily life of the people, and special emphasis on the only intact royal tomb found, that of Tutankhamen. General Education: Humanities/History.

HIS 246 Judaism 3 SH
A survey of the history of the Jewish people and their religion from the earliest times to the present. Alternate fall semesters. General Education: Humanities/History.

HIS 250 Conquest and Survival in Latin America, 1492-1812 3 SH
This course examines the history of Colonial Latin America, from Spanish Conquest until the era of Independence. The course focuses on the changes that occurred with the destruction of pre-Columbian American society and the creation of the New World. The way that interactions between European and the Spanish and the Portuguese, and Indigenous or African people in the Americas shaped this history is the center of the course. The stories involved touch on violence, genocide, greed, glory, bravery, resistance, religion, gender, and cultural adaptation. Competency: Intercultural.

HIS 251 Revolution and Resistance in Latin America, 1812 to the present 3 SH
This class explores the history of Latin America since Independence emphasizing the changes of those two centuries. Major themes include Independence, state formation, nationalism, urbanization, rebellion, economic development and economic nationalism, and national identity. Events receiving special attention include, the Mexican Revolution, Cold War politics, the Cuban Revolution, and contemporary politics. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Intercultural.

HIS/PS 262 The History of the American Constitution 3 SH
A description and analysis of the history of the American Constitution from its origins during the colonial period to today. Spring semester. General Education: Social Sciences; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 266 America’s War in Vietnam 3 SH
This course examines the roles of the United States in Vietnam from the early 1940s through 1975. Lectures and discussions focus particularly on America’s military and political efforts and continued debates over the nature of the evolving wars in Vietnam. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Intercultural.

HIS 270 Christianity 3 SH
A dialogue analyzing Christianity as a cultural, political and social phenomenon and assessing its transcendent value for the individual. Every semester. General Education: Humanities/History.

HIS 271 Medieval Europe 3 SH
This course will look at the development of Europe throughout the medieval period (600-1453). Classroom discussion will center around both the large political, social and cultural changes that affected the whole continent as well as the local developments of the many medieval kingdoms and regions. Close attention will be paid to the evolution of medieval ideas about gender, religion, politics, society and the economy and how the intellectual climate of the period affected the institutions that emerged at this time. Students will work closely with several primary sources and documents. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Intercultural.

HIS 277 Modern China 3 SH
The founding of the People’s Republic of China was the culmination of a series of political, intellectual, and cultural upheavals that fundamentally shook the country (and the world) since the mid-nineteenth century. What happened, who made it happen and why? What has modernized and cultured globalization brought to the life of ordinary Chinese and at what cost? This course invites students to explore such questions by using a variety of primary sources. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Intercultural.

HIS 281 Modern Middle East 3 SH
Analyzes the political, social and economic aspects of the modern Middle East from the early nineteenth century to the present, emphasizing the rise of modern nation-states and their conflicts and crises, including the Arab-Israeli conflict. Here, the emphasis is on Europe’s impact on the Middle East in the form of economic domination and colonialism, the importation of European ideas (nationalism, constitutionalism, democracy, capitalism, communism) and scientific developments (nuclear weapons, television). The reaction of the Middle Eastern people to this Western invasion is central to the discussion of these ideas. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Intercultural.

HIS 287 History of Chinese Religions 3 SH
This course introduces the beliefs and practices of the major Chinese religions — Confucianism, Daoism, Chinese Buddhism, and popular religion. Emphasis is on the sociopolitical and cultural contexts of their historical developments; the patterns of their interactions and mutual accommodations; their influences in shaping gender roles and family structures in traditional and modern China; their reflections in Chinese folklore, art and literature; and their spread to, and further evolution in Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Oral Communication, Intercultural.

HIS 288 Renaissance, Reformation and the Age of Exploration 3 SH
This class will focus on the history of Europe during the early modern period, roughly the 14th until the early 17th century. Discussion begins with the question of what makes the events of these centuries “modern” rather than “medieval.” Then, the course examines the nature and manifestation of the “Renaissance” for the various cultures, classes, genders and media of Europe. Next, class discussion of the Reformation looks at the reverberations of this great religious upheaval in the political, social and economic institutions of 16th century Europe. Finally, this class studies the Age of Exploration within the context of the Renaissance and the Reformation. Students will work closely with a number of primary sources and documents. General Education: History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Intercultural.

HIS 289 Scientific Revolution and Age of Enlightenment 3 SH
This class will focus on the history of Europe during the early modern period, roughly the 16th until the 18th century, emphasizing the great intellectual developments during the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment. The course begins by looking at how these two great movements grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation and Age of Exploration. Students will look at several primary sources and documents that demonstrate the great questions that these thinkers were asking and the new methods they used to answer them. Class discussion also analyzes the impact that these new answers had on society and sees how the advances in science had a tremendous effect on the development of philosophy and political ideas during the Enlightenment. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or written permission of the instructor. General Education: History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 290 The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848  3 SH
This course focuses on the origins and course of the French Revolution, the Napoleonic era and the Age of Reaction. The impact of the Industrial and Romantic Revolutions and the different ideologies of this era will receive special attention. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 291 The Age of Nationalism and Imperialism: Europe 1848-1914 3 SH
This course analyzes the force of nationalism in shaping and threatening the European state system. Imperialistic rivalries, new thought patterns and the road to World War I will also be examined. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 292 The Era of World Wars: Europe 1914-1945 3 SH
This course explores the period covering World War I and World War II in Europe. The impact of the Russian Revolution and the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism as well as the weaknesses and strengths of European democracies are analyzed. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 293 Europe Since 1945: The Cold War  3 SH
This course focuses on the revival of Europe during the Cold War and World War II. The impact of American and Russian power rivalry, the fall of the Soviet empire and the dynamism of Europeans in reshaping their continent will be explored. General Education: Humanities/History; Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 294 Introduction to Historical Research 3 SH
The purpose of this course is to deepen the student’s understanding of the problems and possibilities of historical research. Through a laboratory format, the student develops the facility to ask relevant historical questions, to gather and evaluate data, and to present generalizations in a variety of written and graphic forms. Readings, a series of tightly delineated research projects, and field trips to prototype libraries are utilized.

HIS 298 Faculty Developed Study 1–6 SH

HIS 299 Student Developed Study 1–6 SH

HIS 302 The American Revolution: 1763-1789 3 SH
The Revolution was the most important event in American history. After the Seven Years War, Britain faced enormous fiscal problems. This course will cover the disputes between the mother country and 13 of its New World colonies that arose out of British efforts to deal with those difficulties, from the first attempt to impose an internal tax on the colonists to the inauguration of George Washington as the first president under the federal Constitution. Along the way, students will consider the military, diplomatic, constitutional, social, economic, intellectual, and religious history of the period, as well as the Revolution’s effect on the institution of slavery and the people who lived with it. Prerequisite: HIS 148.  General Education: History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 303 The Age of Jefferson 3 SH
This course will cover the history of the United States during the Early Republic. Topics considered will include the inception of the federal government, the first party system of Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans, Indian relations, foreign policy, the Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall, slavery, sectionalism, the influence of religion upon life in that period, the intellectual history of the time, and the Louisiana Purchase. Prerequisite: HIS 148.  General Education: History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 304 The Antebellum Era, 1815-1861 3 SH
This course will cover the history of the United States from the end of the War of 1812, the “Second War for American Independence,” to the secession of four Middle South States and the formation of the Southern Confederacy in 1861. Topics covered will include the political, intellectual, constitutional, social, religious, and racial history of the time. Prerequisite: HIS 148. General Education: History; Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS 309 American Frontiers 3 SH
This course examines the creation of American frontiers from the colonial period to the present. Topics include the New England frontier, the settlement of the “Wild West,” the experiences of Native Americans, and 20th century interpretations of the frontier in film, fiction, and politics.

HIS 318 The Civil War 3 SH
An examination of American History from 1860 to 1877, focusing particularly on the Civil War and its effects. Prerequisite: HIS 256, HIS 148 or instructor’s written permission. Competency: Critical Thinking.

HIS/WS 319 Women in Medieval and Early Modern Europe 3 SH
See WS/HIS 319

HIS 325 Witchcraft and Witch-Hunting in Early New England 3 SH
The course examines European and American definitions of and attitudes toward witchcraft between the Early Modern period and the present, with an emphasis on witchcraft and witch trials in colonial New England. The course emphasizes the role that gender and religion play in an analysis of the meaning of colonial witch-hunting.  Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS 330 Medieval Britain 410-1453 3 SH
This class will study the history of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland through primary source reading on such topics as: Celtic migrations and identity formation after Roman occupation; Beowulf; Viking raids; the arrival of Christianity and the rise of scriptoria for illuminated manuscripts; King Arthur; the Norman Conquest; the Magna Carta; constitutional and cultural development under the Angevins and Plantagenets; the Black Death; the Peasants’ Revolts; and the Hundred Years War. Spring semester of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite: Junior standing or written permission of the instructor. Competency: Critical Thinking, Intercultural.

HIS 332 The Germans 3 SH
A historical evaluation of the myths and realities of German culture and politics since the middle of the nineteenth century. Alternate spring semesters. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy.

HIS 363 The American City 3 SH
Today most Americans live in cities. The purpose of this course is to trace the development of the modern American city. Particular emphasis will be placed on the 19th and 20th centuries when the industrial city evolved. The impact of urbanization on American life, shifting reactions of individuals and institutions to the problems and promise of urban life, and the efforts of Americans to shape the urban environment will be examined. Fall semester. Competency: Oral Communication, Critical Thinking.

HIS 366 Vietnam War in Film & Literature 3 SH
This course examines the American war in Vietnam through film, novels, journalistic accounts, memoirs and other literary forms. These materials allow historians to explore the experiences of soldiers, the changing perceptions of war, the structures of memory and the uses of history within cultures. Competency: Oral Communication, Intercultural.

HIS 367 Building America: History as Revealed through Architecture 3 SH
Because of their cost, monumentality and permanence, buildings are prime indicators of the commitments and priorities of society. This interdisciplinary course will explore the connection between art and society by an examination of specific buildings and architectural styles as carriers of cultural images. The meaning of buildings and styles for those who commissioned, built and used them will be sought. The student will become more sensitive to the importance of visual evidence to an understanding of the American past. This course is particularly appropriate for those interested in historic preservation and museum work. Spring semester.

HIS 368 New York City: Its History and Culture 3 SH
This course surveys the political, social and cultural development of New York City with emphasis on the borough of Manhattan. At their own expense, students will frequently visit the city and explore its resources. Competency: Intercultural.

HIS 370 From Salt to Cocaine: Commodities in Latin America 3 SH
This course examines commodities and commodity trades in Latin American history. Commodities considered include the ancient: salt, feathers, obsidian, jade; the Colonial: sugar, cochineal, gold and silver, timber; the agricultural: coffee, bananas, cacao; the industrial: rubber, tin, guano, oil; and the contemporary: cocaine, natural gas, cut flowers. Major themes include the relationship of commerce and politics, the economics of demography, fashion, the dynamic nature of taste, and Latin America’s interconnection to the global market. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS 380 Film as History 3 SH
An analysis of representative films as reflections of the cultural and political attitudes of their creators.

HIS/PS 382 Contemporary Middle East 3 SH
Analysis of the governments and politics of the Middle East and North Africa since World War II. Topics include the Arab League, the Arab-Palestinian-Israeli conflict, regional alliances, the major powers’ rivalries, the emergence of OPEC and power of “petro-dollars,” economic development, the various political systems and their reaction to social change and women’s movements. Consideration will be given to the legislative, executive and judicial machinery of politics and the elements that affect the actual translation of goals and policy into action in a Middle Eastern case study. Alternate academic years. General Education: Social Sciences; Competency: Intercultural.

HIS 383 Islam: A Religion & Civilization 3 SH
A historical study of the religion of Islam, its basic beliefs and pillars beginning with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad and early revelations to the European incursion at the end of the eighteenth century. The course follows the growth of a small Muslim community in the western part of the Arabian peninsula to Islamic Empires(s) ruling over territories stretching from central and southern Asia to the Iberian peninsula in Europe, emphasizing the origins, achievements and developments of the politics, economics, and religious conditions of the Islamic age. Alternate fall or spring semesters. Competency: Intercultural.

HIS/ED 385 Methods of Teaching in the Secondary Schools 3 SH
See ED/HIS 385

HIS/ED 386 Secondary Education Professional Development School Experience 1 SH
See ED/HIS 386

HIS 388 Modern Vietnam: Memory & History 3 SH
This course presents an introduction of modern Vietnam from the inception of the Tay Son rebellion (1771-1802) to the present. It concentrates on the interaction between history and memory. We will discuss several fundamental texts in Vietnamese history and literature since 1771, examining the following themes: religious conflict, imperialism, nationalism, communism, the effect of the U.S.-Vietnam war on Vietnamese society, regional differences and the transition from a socialist to a market economy.

HIS 398 Faculty Developed Study 1–6 SH

HIS 399 Student Developed Study 1–6 SH

HIS/AS/ENG 400 American Studies Seminar 3 SH
See AS/ENG/HIS 400

HIS 415 American Intellectual History 3 SH
This course considers the intellectual history of the United States from the settlement of Jamestown in 1607 to the present. Topics covered include theological, scientific, economic, political, gender, and cultural thought. Prerequisite: HIS 148. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS 416 Race and Power in U.S. History 3 SH
This course examines race and how it has functioned historically in relation to conceptions of “Americanness” from the colonial era to the present. This course considers theoretical approaches to race and explores how various groups navigate, and continue to navigate racial hierarchies in the United States. Prerequisite: HIs 148 or HIS 149. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS 425 Gender and Popular Culture in American History 3 SH
This interdisciplinary course will explore the impact of popular culture – including fiction and non-fiction, magazines, prescriptive literature, music, art, toys, fashion, advertisements, film, and digital media (among many other categories) – on gender shaping and reflecting norms in American history, from the seventeenth century to the present. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS/ED 441 Teaching History and Social Studies in Secondary Schools 3 SH
See ED/HIS 441

HIS 450 Historiography 3 SH
An intensive analysis of historians whose writings have presented differing interpretations of the past. Every fall semester. Prerequisite: HIS 100 and Junior or Senior standing. Competency: Critical Thinking, Information Literacy, Tier II Writing.

HIS 490 Senior Seminar 3 SH
A seminar designed to reinforce research methods and provide students with an opportunity to produce a significant research project. Prerequisite: HIS 100; Junior or Senior standing. Competency: Tier II Writing.

HIS 494 Independent Research Project 3 SH
Revised Description: In this project, students will work with a faculty member of their choice to explore a general theme or topic in history and develop distinctive skills in historical reasoning, discussion, and scholarship. Each student will produce a research paper on a topic relating to the theme of the course. Students who receive a grade of B or higher in this course and satisfy other History major requirements will graduate with Distinction in their degree program. Spring semester. Prerequisite: History major, Junior or Senior standing, and 3.2 overall GPA at WCSU; or special permission from the department.

HIS 498 Faculty Developed Study 1–6 SH

HIS 499 Student Developed Study 1–6 SH

The following courses also have been approved and are offered periodically:
HIS 208 Rise of Industrial America: 1877-1929
HIS/AAS 219 African-American History and Culture
HIS 256 Background to the Civil War
HIS/AAS 284 Africa: From Antiquity to Colonialism
HIS/AAS 285 Modern Africa
HIS/ECO 312 History of Economic Thought
HIS/ECO 313 The Economic History of American Business
HIS/WS 320 Women and Leadership
HIS 341 The Russians