WCSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 : Ancell School of Business


Stanley Bazan, Chair
Westside Classroom Building 202, Westside Campus
(203) 837-9238
(203) 837- 8955 (fax)

Charlene Parks, Department Secretary
Westside Classroom Building 349, Westside Campus
(203) 837-8340
(203) 837-8955 (fax)


S. Bazan, Chair P. Assenza K. Burnard
M. Chuang (Sab. Spring 2023) M. Dugal L. Forbes (Sab. Fall 2022)
A. Galli-Debicella  Y. Hayajneh D. Weltmann


Adjunct Faculty

G. Anderson R. Butterly M. Case A. Ciarleglio
N. Dworkin M. Monson P. O’Connor C. Sefton
B. Stevenson



The management department’s curriculum is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary in managerial and administrative positions in a variety of organizations, both commercial and not-for-profit.

To accomplish this goal, the student’s program includes courses in three areas: the university’s general education requirements to obtain an appreciation of and perspective on the liberal arts and sciences; the business core to obtain a sound knowledge of all functional areas of business organizations as well as the social, economic, and legal environments of organizations; and the courses to provide in-depth study of management.

The management major consists of seven courses. Four of these courses are required of all students who receive a major in management. The remaining three courses form one of three possible options:

  • The human resource management option is offered for those students who want to pursue careers in departments such as human resource management, employee relations, or personnel.
  • The supervisory management option is offered for students seeking management knowledge prerequisite for supervisory positions in industrial, service, retail, and wholesale type organizations.
  • The small business management and entrepreneurial option is offered for students who plan to pursue a career in a small business or who have the goal of starting a small business.


To provide students with the knowledge, perspectives, and competencies necessary to understand and practice management as a generic process in all types of organizations and, thus, to prepare them for future managerial positions.

A 2.0 cumulative grade point average for all courses completed is required in order to receive a baccalaureate degree for a program offered in the ASB, as well as a grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all courses in the major.


Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the Management Department’s majors should:

  • Possess a knowledge of the fundamental concepts of management as an organizational process
  • Display the communication skills, both written and oral, used in business and organizational settings
  • Recognize ethical challenges and ethical actions in organizational settings
  • Possess the skills to work effectively in groups and teams
  • Appreciate diversity among individuals as an organizational strength
  • Be capable  of  analyzing  and  correcting  organizational processes


Degree Programs in Management

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management
Human Resources Management option
Small Business & Entrepreneurial Management option
Supervisory Management option


Bachelor of Business Administration in Management (B.B.A.)

BBA Management: Human Resources Management 

Description: The management department’s curriculum is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary in managerial and administrative positions in a variety of organizations, both commercial and not-for-profit.   

 Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Required Courses in the Major: 55 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
MGT 340 Total Quality Management  3 SH 
MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 SH 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3 SH 
MGT 376 Managing People  3 SH 
Human Resources Management Option 
MGT 251 Human Resource Management  3 SH 
MGT 353 Adv. Human Resource Management: Employee Acquisition  3 SH 
MGT 354 Adv. Human Resource Management: Employee Development   3 SH 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. Applied Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; OR MAT 181 Calc I (QR)  3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in Management = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management – HR Management
Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Free Elective 3 
MIS 260 Info. Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process (CP)  3 
Gen Ed: Intercultural Competency (IC)  3  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR)  3-4
 WRT 101 Composition I (W1)  3-4  Gen Ed: Breadth  3 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Breadth  3 
Free Elective  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Statistics (QR, RPT 2)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
ECO 211 Princ. Macroeconomics (CT, RPT 1 3  ECO 213 Princ. Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5  SH  Semester 6  SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  MGT 340 Total Quality Mgt  3 
MGT 376 Managing People  3  MGT 251 Human Resource Management  3 
Free Elective  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 340 Business Law    3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3  Free Elective 3 
Semester 7  SH  Semester 8  SH 
MGT 353 Advanced HR: Employee Acquisition  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3  MGT 354 Advanced HR: Employee Development  3 
MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3  Free Electives  7-9 
Free Electives  6     
Total Credits Required for the BBA in Management = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 



BBA Management: Small Business & Entrepreneurial Management 

Description: The management department’s curriculum is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary in managerial and administrative positions in a variety of organizations, both commercial and not-for-profit.   

Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Required Courses in the Major: 55 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
MGT 340 Total Quality Management  3 SH 
MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 SH 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3 SH 
MGT 376 Managing People  3 SH 
Small Business & Entrepreneurial Management 
MGT 377 Supply Chain Management   3 SH 
MGT 405 Small Business Entrepreneurship  3 SH 
MGT 406 Small Business Management  3 SH 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. Applied Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; OR MAT 181 Calc I (QR)  3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in Management = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management Small Business & Entrepreneurial:
Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Free Elective 3 
MIS 260 Info. Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process Competency (CP)  3 
Gen Ed: Intercultural Competency (IC)  3  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR)  3-4
 WRT 101 Composition I (W1)  3-4  Gen Ed: Breadth 3
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Statistics (QR, Rp.t 1)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT, Rpt. 2)  3  ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5  SH  Semester 6  SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  MGT 340 Total Quality Mgt  3 
MGT 376 Managing People  3  MGT 377 Supply Chain Management  3 
Free Elective  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 341 Business Law    3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3  Gen Ed: Breadth   3 
Semester 7    Semester 8   
MGT 405 Small Business Entrepreneurship  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3  MGT 406 Small Business Management  3 
MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3  Free Electives  7-9 
Free Electives  6     
Total Credits Required for the BBA in Management = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 


BBA Management: Supervisory Management 

Description: The management department’s curriculum is designed to provide the student with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary in managerial and administrative positions in a variety of organizations, both commercial and not-for-profit.   

Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Required Courses in the Major: 55 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
MGT 340 Total Quality Management  3 SH 
MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 SH 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3 SH 
MGT 376 Managing People 3 SH 
Supervisory Management 
MGT 251 Human Resource Management  3 SH 
MGT 377 Supply Chain Management  3 SH 
MGT 405 Small Business Entrepreneurship OR MGT 406 Small Business MGT  3 SH 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. Applied Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; OR MAT 181 Calc I (QR)  3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in Management = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management – Supervisory Management:

Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Free Elective 3 
MIS 260 Info. Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process Competency (CP)  3 
Gen Ed: Intercultural Competency (IC)  3  Gen Ed: Breadth  3 
 WRT 101 Composition I (W1)  3-4  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR)  3-4 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Statistics (QR, Rp.t 1)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT, Rpt. 2)  3  ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5  SH  Semester 6  SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  MGT 350 Management Negotiations  3 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  MGT 340 Total Quality Mgt  3 
MGT 376 Managing People  3  MGT 251 Human Resource MGT  3 
Free Elective  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 341 Business Law    3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Semester 7  SH  Semester 8  SH 
MGT 377 Supply Chain Management  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
MGT 360 The Environ. & Socially Responsible Org 3  MGT 405 Small Business Entrepreneurship OR MGT 406 Small Business Management  3 
MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3  Free Electives  7-9 
Free Electives  6     
Total Credits Required for the BBA in Management = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 




The management department also offers the supervisory management option at Western’s Waterbury program located on the grounds of Naugatuck Valley Community College. Upper-level (junior and senior year) courses are offered at Waterbury. This program generally allows students who have the equivalent of an associate’s degree to finish their Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Waterbury. Courses offered at Waterbury are also open to students taking classes in Danbury.


The management department also offers the supervisory management option at Western’s Winsted program located on the grounds of Northwestern Community College. Upper-level (junior and senior year) courses are offered at Winsted. This program generally allows students who have the equivalent of an associate’s degree to finish their Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Winsted. Courses offered at Winsted are also open to students taking classes in Danbury.


Minor in Management

Admission to the minor requires completion of at least 45 semester hours with a GPA of 2.0; a GPA of 2.0 or better is required in management courses for completion of the minor. Please see your advisor to review all program requirements.

Required Courses (6 SH):
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior
MGT 251 Human Resource Management

Four (4) courses from approved electives listed below (12 SH):
MGT 320 Operations Management
MGT 340 Total Quality Management
MGT 350 Management Negotiations
MGT 353 Adv Hum Res Mgt: Employee Acquisition
MGT 354 Adv Hum Res Mgt: Employee Development
MGT 360 Environmentally & Socially Responsible Organization
MGT 376 Managing People
MGT 377 Supply Chain Management

If you are a B.B.A. major, choosing a business minor may require you to take credit hours above the 120 credit minimum required for graduation.


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