FR 162 Introductory French I 3 SH
A course for students who have no prior knowledge of French. Aimed at introducing the four basic skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing). Culture will be an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: Level 1 language placement in French. Special Info: Native speakers and students with 4 years of high school French may not take for credit. General Education: Humanities/World Languages and Cultures. (If FR164 is successfully completed). Competency: Intercultural (IC).
FR 164 Introductory French II 3 SH
The second semester course in the introductory French sequence. Aimed at further developing the four basic skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing). Culture will be an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: “C-” grade or higher in FR 162 or Level 2 language placement in French. General Education: Humanities/World Languages and Cultures. Competency: Intercultural (IC).
FR 298 Faculty Developed Study 1-6 SH
FR 299 Student Developed Study 1-6 SH
The following course also has been approved and is offered periodically:
FR 170 A Survey of the French Cinema