WCSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 : Macricostas School of Arts & Sciences


SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology 3 SH
A survey of sociological approaches to the contemporary world. Introduces basic concepts, theories, methods of study, and analytical skills needed to assess and think critically of social life at individual, familial, local, national, and global levels. Explores key social issues and phenomena such as socialization, social interactions, culture, gender, sexuality, communication, power, authority, deviant behavior, discrimination, ethnocentrism, racism, profit motives, popular culture, labor struggles, economic inequality, consumption, environmental impacts, international migration, globalization, the world-economy, international development, and social change. Every semester. Competency: Critical Thinking (CT), Intercultural (IC).

SOC 101 Social Problems 3 SH
An exploration of how social problems are defined, evaluated, and addressed both within the United States and globally. Students will refine their ability to assess social problems through in-depth investigations, application of sociological theory, and conceptualizations of a variety of social issues. The course offers an understanding of how major systems of power such as class, caste, racism, sexism, and corporatism are intertwined and lead to cycles of crises. Competency: Information Literacy (IL).

SOC 120 Principles of Sociology, Writing Intensive 3 SH
A survey of sociological approaches to the contemporary world. Introduces basic concepts, theories, methods of study, and analytical skills needed to assess and think critically of social life at individual, familial, local, national, and global levels. Explores key social issues and phenomena such as socialization, social interactions, culture, gender, sexuality, communication, power, authority, deviant behavior, discrimination, ethnocentrism, racism, profit motives, popular culture, labor struggles, economic inequality, consumption, environmental impacts, international migration, globalization, the world-economy, international development, and social change. Competency: Critical Thinking (CT), Writing Intensive Tier 2 (W2).

SOC 200 Concepts of Race and Racism 3 SH
A sociohistorical and contemporary look at race and racism, focusing mainly on the United States. This course explores how global social transformations, stemming from Western European conquest and colonization, led to the formation of “race relations.” The course examines the resulting political economy and culture of racism. The invention of and meanings attached to various racialized identities, both white and non-white, are considered as they transform over time. The course also investigates white and non-white resistance movements and, more generally, follows the evolution of perspectives and theories of race and racism. Every semester. Prerequisite: ANT 100 or SOC 100 or SOC 101.

SOC/ANT 204 Mind, Self and Society 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 204

SOC/ANT/SS 209 Climate Change and Society 3 SH
This is an interdisciplinary course designed to provide students with an understanding of the relations between the climate system and human societies. This course explores the socio-economic origin of our current environmental problems and their effect on social organizations and vice versa. It analyzes how industrialization and free-market capitalism contribute to global warming. Finally, it evaluates the theoretical debates in the field of socio-environmental studies regarding the causes of and possible solutions to current environmental degradations and climate change. Competency: Critical Thinking (CT), Information Literacy (IL).

SOC 210 Urban Sociology 3 SH
Focus will be upon the process of urbanization and an analysis of cities. Emphasizing key demographic and physical characteristics of urban populations, city growth, urban social structure, urban behavior patterns and social relationships and urban problems. Fall semester of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite: SOC 100.

SOC 211 Latino/a/x in the United States 3 SH
With the aim of having a comparative look at Latinos/as/x in the United States, the course uses a socio-historical lens to examine political, economic and cultural links between Latin America, including the Caribbean, and the US, and then explores the growth and developments among and between the broad array of Latinos/as/x within the U.S. social structure. Generally, the development of and challenges to socio-economic, political and cultural phenomena as they impact things like family, education, health, employment and identity are explored. Racism, and the sense of belonging and acceptance/non-acceptance, as well as empowerment and resistance movements are closely examined. The course engages rich discussions over recognition, racial and ethnic identities, language, gendered identities, Latinos/as/x as a voting block, struggles among youth, and struggles over immigration and the border. Fall semester of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite: ANT 100 or GEO 100 or PS 100 or PS 104 or SOC 100 or SS 111. Competency: Critical Thinking (CT), Intercultural (IC).

SOC/ANT/AAS 212 Peoples & Cultures of Africa 3 SH

SOC/ANT 216 Anthropology of the Middle East 3 SH
As the world becomes more interconnected and linked globally, our society is increasingly faced with beliefs, practices, ideals, ideas, and ways of life that at times baffle us and discomfort us. Current conflicts in the world point to a need to actually go beyond stereotypes and understand both sameness and difference when it comes to cultures. This course seeks to look beyond common stereotypes of the Middle East and focus on daily life experiences of families and individuals who live in the region through applying an anthropological lens and reading ethnographic studies. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or SOC 100 or permission of instructor

SOC/AS 217 The American Dream: Visions & Revisions 3 SH
See AS/SOC 217

SOC 221 Human Family Systems 3 SH
Cross-cultural and historical approach, emphasizing the connections of family systems to other aspects of culture and leading to a broad perspective on current developments. Spring semester of odd-numbered years. Prerequisite: SOC 100 or ANT 100.

SOC/ANT 222 Global Rural Cultures: Resistance & Change 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 222

SOC/ANT 223 Contemporary Family Problems
An exploration of the complex issues and problems surrounding American family life. This course looks at historical patterns and variation in family form and practice particularly since World War II. It also examines the diverse and challenging experiences of individuals living within family structures, particularly with regard to issues of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity and class. Other central concerns include the dynamic interactions between economic, cultural, political and social forces, and how they influence and are influenced by families over time. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or SOC 100. Taught odd-year spring semesters. Prerequisite:  ANT 100 or SOC 100.

SOC/ANT 232 Religion & Culture 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 232

SOC/ANT 233 Illness, Health and Culture 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 233

SOC/ECO/ANT 234 Economic Anthropology 3 SH
This course will give both a theoretical and a practical grounding in economic anthropology by focusing on recent fieldwork and publications within economic and cultural anthropology. After students are introduced to theoretical debates and issues in the field, they will read about and discuss people in the specific ethnographic contexts as they grapple with poverty, globalization, modernization, and development – always keeping in mind that the economy is closely intertwined with and cannot be understood apart from sociocultural factors in people’s lives. The course will involve small-group and large-group discussions, lots of interesting reading and a commitment to the formation of a critically thoughtful and engaged classroom community. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or SOC 100 or ECO 100 or permission of instructor.

SOC/ANT 242 Buddhism and Culture 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 242

SOC/ANT/WS 251 Women and Gender in the Middle East 3 SH
This course will explore the complex and multilayered processes and dimensions, including texts, cultural values and practices, institutions and events which have shaped and continue to shape gendered experience in the Middle East. We will consider these processes in their historical context focusing mainly on the contemporary Middle East. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or SOC 100 or WS 100 or permission of instructor. Competency:  Intercultural (IC).

SOC/SW 260 Aging 3 SH
See SW/SOC 260

SOC 298 Faculty Developed Study 1–6 SH

SOC 299 Student Developed Study 1–6 SH

SOC 301 Globalization and Migration 3 SH
Globalization draws the world together economically, culturally, politically and socially by means of international exchanges, including trade, policy and migration. In countries like the United States, this has given rise to large immigrant populations. This course evaluates both historic and contemporary effects of globalization on migration processes for both sending and receiving countries, as well as for migrants and their families. The course reviews associated theories and literatures, using specific examples from various regions of the world that may include: Western Europe, the United States, Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Topics may include: sex trafficking; refugee, colonial, tourist and labor migrations; the slave trade; transnational experiences; international development; migration policies; the costs and benefits of migration; challenges to national identities and national security; anti-immigrant sentiment; and racism. The course usually includes a tour of New York City, exploring immigrant histories and contemporary communities; there is an added fee for this tour to be determined when offered. Spring semester of even-numbered years. Prerequisite: ANT 100 or PS 104 or SOC 100 or SOC 101.

SOC/ANT/SS 309 Food, Justice, and the Environment 3 SH
See ANT/SOC/SS 309 Competencies: Intercultural (IC), Writing Intensive Tier 2 (W2).

SOC/ANT 330 Social and Cultural Theory 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 330

SOC/ANT 350 Modern and Postmodern Societies 3 SH
See ANT/SOC 350

ANT/SOC 360 Public anthropology & Sociology: Research for Social Change 3 SH
This course will examine multiple models of applied, engaged, and public anthropology and sociology, including 1) participatory action or (politically) engaged research designed to facilitate community-level advocacy work; 2) public interest ethnography with/for municipal agencies and non-profit and civic organizations to identify needs, assess the impact of policy and develop strategies to redress various forms of inequality (i.e., environmental justice, healthcare access, immigrant rights, poverty alleviation, etc.); 3) applied research in industry and the non-profit sector for institutional problem-solving and organizational development, 4) participatory design research for product, service, or systems “innovation,” and 5) public anthropology via creative practices. Students will practice how to apply qualitative (and to a lesser degree, quantitative) research methods and anthropological and sociological perspectives and insights in various contexts by modeling a set of applications drawn from real-life case studies and projects. If possible, students will attend (virtually or in person) the Society for Applied Anthropology annual conference in March. Prerequisite: ANT 100 or SOC 100 and one additional course in anthropology or sociology. Standard grading.

SOC 400 Advanced Topics of Sociology 2–6 SH
The content and credit hours of this course will vary from year to year, depending on the interests of the students and faculty. Aspects of sociology not introduced or not treated in depth in other courses of the major will be introduced or treated in depth. Examples that could be included: technology and work, students and education, welfare planning, social class and modes of communication. The course may be repeated for credit with different content and permission of the department. The department will determine the number of credits prior to the course offering. Offered periodically. Prerequisite: determined at time of offering. Open to Juniors and Seniors.

SOC/ANT/PS 410 Undocumented Migration 3 SH
This course offers a refined understanding of undocumented migration by exploring the legacy, causes, experiences and impacts of undocumented migration from a socio-historical and global perspective. Students explore the rise and growth of international migrations as they parallel the development of the capitalist the world-system and how they grow increasingly predictable as a result of shifts in the global economy and are further agitated by climate change. Relatedly, the course examines the transformation and formalization of laws regulating human migration, the development of citizenship and related legal regulatory systems, including the rise and militarization of borders. Students explore the lived experiences of undocumented peoples at subject and family levels, as well as the impacts on sending and receiving communities. Further the course assesses resistance to undocumented populations, including racist nativism, the international rise of anti-immigrant movements, and the hostile targeting of undocumented people. To complement this, the course examines the rise of immigrant rights movements. Prerequisites: SOC 100 or ANT 100 or PS 104 or PS/ECO 251 or GEO 100.



The following courses also have been approved and are offered periodically:
SOC 202 Class, Status and Power
SOC/ANT 223 Contemporary Family Problems
SOC 230 Sociology of the Community
SOC/ANT 241 Socio-Cultural Survey of Indian Religions
SOC/PS 310 Political Sociology
SOC/ANT 322 Comparative Minority Relations
SOC/ANT 340 Culture, Change and Planning


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