*General Education Courses In Music
**Performance Ensembles open to all students by audition or consent of instructor. Non-music majors completing 6 semesters of ensembles are awarded the equivalent of (1) one 3-credit course in the category of General Education: Humanities.
MUS 100 History & Appreciation of Music* 3 SH
A survey course to enrich the non-music major’s knowledge and enjoyment of serious music. Fall/Spring.
MUS 101 Evolution of Jazz & Rock Music* 3 SH
An exploration of the evolution of jazz and rock music from its origins as folk and gospel music through the swing and bebop eras; the evolution of the blues and country music into rock and roll in the late 1950s; the British Invasion, and the rise of rock and pop culture; and the emergence of jazz as one of the innovative and unique American art forms of the 20th century. Fall/Spring.
MUS 103 World Music* 3 SH
This course will focus on increasing the students’ understanding and appreciation of music of other cultures through the study of folk and traditional music from Africa, North and South America, Europe, The Pacific, Near East and Asia. Fall only. Competency: Intercultural (IC).
MUS 104 Pro Tools and Digital Audio 2 SH
In this course students will learn the basic principles needed to complete audio production projects using Avid’s Pro Tools software, from initial setup to mixdown. Students will learn about basic acoustics, digital audio, and the fundamentals of recording, editing, and mixing digital audio and MIDI data in Pro Tools on a basic level, as well as best practices for professional file management for Pro Tools sessions.
MUS 105 Music Essentials* 3 SH
An introduction to music involving both basic theory and performance skills on relatively simple instruments. Spring only.
MUS 108, 109 Music Theory I & II 2 SH each
A two-semester study of theory and development of diatonic harmony using part-writing, stylistic study, composition, and analysis. Prerequisite: For MUS 108: qualifying score on the theory placement examination; for MUS 109: MUS 108. Freshman core requirement. MUS 108/Fall. MUS 109/Spring.
MUS 112 Jazz Theory 3 SH
An introductory course in jazz theory and arranging. Fundamental principles of chord progression, chord substitution, melodic construction, voicing, and part writing are covered. Student arrangements and compositions are performed every semester by WCSU jazz ensembles. Fall only/odd years. Prerequisite: MUS 109 and MUS 115.
MUS 113 Convocation, Concert and Recital Repertoire 0 SH
Every Monday and Wednesday, a vast repertoire of music is performed during the recital hour, and this non-credit course is designed to provide music majors with a weekly formal listening experience of live music performance. In addition to the Monday and Wednesday recital attendance requirement, music majors must also attend a minimum of five concerts each semester to fulfill this course. Required of all full-time B.A., B.M. and B.S. music majors every semester. Every Monday and Wednesday.
MUS 114, 115 Sight Singing/Ear Training I & II 2 SH each
A two-semester course to help students develop music reading and dictation skills. Prerequisite: For MUS 114: qualifying score on theory placement examination; for MUS 115: MUS 114. MUS 114/Fall; MUS 115/Spring.
MUS 118 Music Technology 3 SH
An introduction to the use of computers in music production, music notation, and music education. Basic software and concepts in educational and music technology will be emphasized. Sources, selection, evaluation, creation and implementation of electronic media for the musician and music educator will be covered in this course. Every semester. Music major with Junior standing. Lower-division core Music requirement.
MUS 119 Music Industry Studies 2 SH
This course explores the many facets of contemporary music industries including publishing, artist management, production, recording, broadcasting, and arts administration. Through lectures, readings, projects, and guest speakers from the music industry students will gain a broad knowledge of the workings of the music business and of the many career options available. Fall/Spring. Prerequisite: Admission to the BM-Audio Production Program.
MUS 125, 126 Keyboard Competency I & II 0.5 SH each
MUS 125/Fall; MUS 126/Spring. Freshman core Music requirement.
MUS 138, 139 Brass Repertoire I & II 1 SH each
Designed to investigate, through live and recorded performances, solo and chamber literature for brass instruments. MUS 138/Fall; MUS 139/Spring. Offered every three years.
MUS 140, 141 Vocal Repertoire I & II 1 SH each
A survey of music of all periods for the voice, utilizing recordings and class performance. MUS 140/Fall odd years; MUS 141/Spring even years.
MUS 142, 143 Piano Repertoire I & II 1 SH each
Designed to acquaint the student with the piano repertoire, including solo and chamber works, through performance, listening and discussion. MUS 142/Fall. MUS 143/Spring.
MUS 144, 145 String Repertoire I & II 1 SH each
Designed to acquaint the student with the string repertoire, including solo and chamber works, through performance, listening and discussion. MUS 144/Fall even years. MUS 145/Spring odd years.
MUS 146, 147 Percussion each Repertoire I & II 1 SH
The study of literature for percussion through performance, listening and discussion. Literature studied includes solo, ensemble and orchestral works. MUS 146/Fall even years; MUS 147/ Spring odd years.
MUS 148, 149 Woodwind Repertoire I & II 1 SH each
Designed to acquaint the student with the woodwind repertoire, including solo and chamber works, through performance, listening and discussion. MUS 148/Fall; MUS 149/Spring. Offered every three years.
MUS 170, 171 Piano Accompanying I & II 1 SH each
For bachelor of music majors. A two-semester course dealing with the nature of accompanying and problems of style. MUS 170/Fall; MUS 171/Spring.
MUS 180, 181 Applied Music 2 SH each
The student will study privately with a teacher who is highly qualified to teach performance techniques and practices on a given instrument/voice. Weekly one-hour lessons per semester. Designed for B.S. in Music Education majors and B. M. in Audio and Music Production majors. MUS 180/Fall; MUS 181/Spring. Lower-division core Music requirement.
MUS 182, 183 Applied Music 1 SH each
Weekly half-hour lessons per semester with no performance required. Designed for B.A. in Music majors and music minors. MUS 182/Fall; MUS 183/Spring. Lower-division core Music requirement.
MUS 186, 187 Applied Music 3 SH each
The student will study privately with a teacher who is highly qualified to teach performance techniques and practices on a given instrument/voice. Both technique and repertoire will be emphasized. Weekly one-hour lessons per semester with one recital and one jury each semester. Designed for Bachelor of Music degree students only. MUS 186/Fall; MUS 187/Spring. Lower-division core Music requirement.
*MUS 191 Symphonic Band** 0.5 SH
An ensemble of wind and percussion players; open to all students of the university. Every semester. Competency: Creative Process.
*MUS 192 Orchestra** 0.5 SH
Open to all students of the university. Every semester. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
*MUS 195 Concert Choir** 0.5 SH
A select group of mixed voices. Open to all students in the university. Every semester. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
MUS 200 Special Topics in Music 1 – 3 SH
This course represents an opportunity for students to pursue in greater depth topics introduced in other courses or topics not covered in present courses in music. The subject matter would change each time the course is offered. Topics might include specific music theory topics, specialized ensembles, performance repertoire, or music literature.
MUS 205 Digital Musicianship 3 SH
This course provides instruction in music theory fundamentals through the use of present-day multitrack digital audio workstation (DAW) recording software. Every Spring. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
MUS 208, 209 Music Theory III & IV 2 SH each
A two-semester study of theory and development of diatonic harmony using part-writing, stylistic study, composition, and analysis. MUS 208/Fall; MUS 209/Spring. Prerequisite: For MUS 208-MUS 109; for MUS 209-MUS 208. . Sophomore core Music requirement.
MUS 210, 211 Sight Singing/Ear Training III & IV 2 SH each
A two-semester course to help students develop music reading and dictation skills. MUS 210/Fall; MUS 211/Spring. Prerequisite: For MUS 210-MUS 115; for MUS 211-MUS 210. Sophomore core Music requirement.
MUS 212 Diction for Singers I 1 SH each
This course focuses on mastering the International Phonetic Alphabet by gaining, first, an understanding of the symbols through an already familiar language (English), before moving on to one of the phonetically simpler foreign languages (Italian). Fall/even years.
MUS 213 Diction for Singers II 1 SH each
This course focuses on the use of the International Phonetic Alphabet in the pronunciation of German and French, as well as the phonetic symbols for sounds unique to other foreign languages, such as Eastern European language, Spanish or Scandinavian languages. Spring/odd years. Prerequisite: MUS 212.
MUS 214 Junior Capstone Project/Recital 1 SH each
This course consists of the performance of a half-hour recital in the Junior year of study. The recital program must be representative of literature for the specific instrumental/vocal, applied music concentration. Prerequisite: Completion of five semesters of applied music study, at least three solo performances at the MUS 113 Convocation, and successful completion of a pre-recital jury performance.
MUS 216 Jazz & Commercial Piano I 0.5 SH each
This course offers the jazz performer and educator an opportunity to learn to play and aurally identify standard chord progressions in major and minor keys. Fall.
MUS 217 Jazz & Commercial Piano II 0.5 SH each
This course offers the jazz performer and educator an opportunity to learn to play and aurally identify complex chord progressions in major and minor keys. Successful completion of this course fulfills the jazz piano proficiency. Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 216.
MUS 220 Keyboard Pedagogy I 1 SH
An introduction to the study and aesthetic of keyboard instruction. This course includes an overview of the history of keyboard pedagogy. Instructional materials and method books for beginning students will be surveyed, including materials for group instruction. Topics include learning strategies, theories and introduction to technology-assisted instructional programs. Fall. Prerequisite: MUS 108, MUS 109, MUS 114, and MUS 115. Offered every three years.
MUS 221 Keyboard Pedagogy II 1 SH
A continuation of Keyboard Pedagogy I, the study and aesthetic of keyboard instruction. This course includes a survey of instructional materials for intermediate and advanced students, including technology-assisted instructional programs. Topics include the study of the relationship between performance preparation and teaching, the development of a personal philosophy of teaching and business practices for establishing and maintaining an independent studio. Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 108, MUS 109, MUS 114, MUS 115, and MUS 220. Offered every three years.
MUS 225, 226 Keyboard Competency III & IV 0.5 SH each
MUS 225/Fall; Mus 226/Spring. Sophomore core Music requirement.
MUS 230, 231 Music History and Literature I & II 3 SH each
A two-semester, detailed study of Western and Non-Western music from the early 17th century to the present. The courses include in-depth investigation, through listening and discussion, of stylistic elements of select music literature. MUS 230 covers the music of the early 17th century through the late 18th century. MUS 231 covers the early 19th century to the present. MUS 230/Fall; MUS 231/Spring. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in a Music major or Music minor degree program. Sophomore core Music requirement. Competency: Information Literacy (MUS 231 Only).
MUS 235 Jazz Improvisation I 2 SH
A course designed for the beginning improvisor to become acquainted with and develop the art of jazz improvisation. Studies will include analysis of styles and techniques of jazz greats, playing techniques and laboratory experiences with instruments and/or voice. This course will deal with modal, blues and ballad material. Fall. Prerequisite: MUS 109.
MUS 236 Jazz Improvisation II 2 SH
A course designed for the more advanced jazz improvisor. Studies will include further analysis and performance laboratory experiences of more complicated forms and styles, such as latin, bop, jazz rock and fusion. Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 235.
MUS 240 Survey of Recording Technology 2 SH
This course provides students with the basic knowledge and experience required to function both in a recording studio and in a live recording environment. Students will learn about the fundamentals of sound production and reproduction, digital recording, and mixing. Fall or Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 118.
*MUS 280 Wind Ensemble** 0.5 SH
A select group of wind players. Auditions open to all students in the university. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
*MUS 281 Opera Ensemble** 0.5 SH
*MUS 282 Guitar Ensemble** 0.5 SH
*MUS 283 Jazz Guitar Ensemble** 0.5 SH
*MUS 284** Vocal Jazz Ensemble
Competency: Creative Process
*MUS 287 Saxophone Quartet** 0.5 SH
This course will explore the extensive repertoire for the saxophone quartet. The study of this repertoire will prepare students for professional teaching, performance and compositional opportunities. Saxophone quartets perform both on- and off-campus each semester.
*MUS 288 Woodwind Quintet** 0.5 SH
*MUS 289 Chamber Jazz** Variable
The study of traditional and contemporary jazz through performances in small groups (quartets, quintets, etc.).
*MUS 290 Chamber Percussion** 0.5 SH
*MUS 291 Chamber String** 0.5 SH
*MUS 292 Chamber Brass** 0.5 SH
*MUS 293 Chamber Woodwind** 0.5 SH
*MUS 294 Chamber Singers** 0.5 SH
*MUS 296 Jazz Ensemble** 0.5 SH, Competency: Creative Process (CP).
*MUS 297 Clarinet Quartet** 0.5 SH
MUS 298 Faculty Developed Study 1–6 SH
MUS 299 Student Developed Study 1–6 SH
MUS 311 History of Jazz 3 SH
An in-depth study of jazz from its roots in African and American folk music, through its emergence as a popular dance music in the 1930s to its present status as an art form through the analysis and discussion of the individual artists who were prominent and essential to the process. A discussion of the cultural sources and influences of jazz is an integral part of the course. Spring/odd years. Prerequisite: MUS 209.
MUS 314 Jazz Arranging 3 SH
An advanced course in arranging and composition for large instrumental jazz ensembles. Student arrangements and compositions are performed in public by WCSU jazz ensembles each semester. Spring/even years. Prerequisite: MUS 112, MUS 208 and MUS 210.
MUS 315 Jazz Pedagogy 2 SH
This course is designed to prepare students to enter the field of music education with the skills and information necessary to organize and conduct instrumental and vocal jazz ensembles. Fall/even years. Prerequisite: MUS 320.
MUS 317 Musical Form and Analysis 3 SH
A study of the structure of representative works by composers of various stylistic periods. Fall. Prerequisite: MUS 209 and MUS 211.
MUS 320 Basic Conducting 2 SH
A study of the factors involved in the leadership of performing groups, including functions of the right and left hands and rehearsal techniques. Prerequisite: MUS 208 and MUS 210. Fall semester.
MUS 321 Choral Conducting 2 SH
A study of the techniques involved in the leadership of choral groups. Fall semesters only. Prerequisite: MUS 320. Spring semester.
MUS 322 Instrumental Conducting 2 SH
A study of more complex problems concentrating on the instrumental aspect. Instrumentation and orchestration, instruments and their transposition, scoring clef reading with the open score and conducting instrumental groups. Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 320.
MUS 332 Music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance 3 SH
A detailed study and stylistic analysis of music literature of these historical periods. Every sixth year, Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 230 and MUS 231.
MUS 333 Music of the Baroque Era 3 SH
A detailed study and stylistic analysis of 17th century music literature. Every sixth year, Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 230 and MUS 231.
MUS 334 Music of the Classical Era 3 SH
A detailed study and stylistic analysis of 18th century music literature. Every sixth year, Spring . Prerequisite: MUS 230 and MUS 231.
MUS 335 Music of the Romantic Era 3 SH
A detailed study and stylistic analysis of 19th century music literature. Every sixth year, Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 230 and MUS 231.
MUS 337 Contemporary Music 3 SH
A course designed to investigate the relationships between the music of today and the past, in which contemporary music is viewed as a natural outgrowth of the music of earlier periods. Every sixth year, Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 230 and MUS 231.
MUS 340 Audio Production I 2 SH
This course covers concepts dealing with the area of acoustics and psychoacoustics, as well as the technology involved in audio recording and production with projects in audio production primarily dealing with recording the human voice. Fall. Prerequisite: MUS 118 Music Technology.
MUS 341 Audio Production II 2 SH
This course continues studies in audio production begun in MUS 340 Audio Production I, with an emphasis on sound design, music underscoring, and postproduction topics such as editing and mixing audio. Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 340 Audio Production I.
MUS 345 Copyright, Licensing, and Music Publishing 2 SH
This course provides students with a basic understanding of current United States copyright law as well as an introduction to foreign copyright laws and practices. Topics include copyright protection, public domain, copyright infringement, mechanical rights (recorded music), and licensing. Fall/Spring. Prerequisite: MUS 119 Music Industry Studies.
MUS 350 Studio Harmony and Arranging 3 SH
This course will introduce students to advanced harmonic theory and arranging principles, with special emphasis on arranging for studio recordings. Fundamental principles of chord/scale theory, chord progression, chord substitution, melodic construction, voicing, and part writing are covered along with various harmonization strategies. The music of relevant composers, songwriters, producers, and arrangers will be examined. By the end of the semester, students will possess the skills necessary to arrange a jazz or pop standard song for a small group consisting of 4-5 horns and rhythm section with optional electronics and vocals.
MUS 370 Music Industry Practicum 2 SH
This course provides students with the opportunity to intern at a recording studio, radio station, television station, production company or similar facility to gain real-world work experience in the field. Fall/Spring. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
MUS 371 Applied Arts Entrepreneurship 2 SH
In this course, students will create professional assets for the deployment of their self-directed arts enterprise, including a portfolio, business plan, strategic plan, and professional website. Course content will include fundamentals related to single-member business formation (LLC), state document filing requirements, and schedule C tax implications. Additionally, students will learn how to access resources available to arts professionals on local, state, and federal levels via networking, fundraising, and grant writing exercises. This course is recommended to students who have already invested several years studying their craft at a high level and are preparing to commence professional arts activity. Prerequisites: MUS 119 or instructor approval.
MUS 380 Senior Capstone Project/Recital 2 SH
For performance majors this course consists of the performance of an hour recital in the Senior year of study. The recital program must be representative of literature for the specific instrument/vocal, applied music concentration. For audio and music production majors this course consists of the production of a large-scale project such as a self-produced CD, film score, multimedia production, etc. Prerequisite: Completion of seven semesters of applied music study and successful completion of a pre-recital jury performance or project proposal review. Competency: Culminating Experience (CE), Writing Intensive Tier 3 (W3).
MUS 381 Capstone in Music 2 SH
This course is designed to provide a culminating experience for music majors in the Bachelor of Arts degree program, by integrating aspects of their major with those of another discipline. Activities are crafted to allow students to reflect on their own professional and artistic development; to explore the role of music in society; to expatiate on their knowledge of music history; pedagogy, performance, and theory; and to synthesize the musical arts with another area of interest. Students will apply their broadening understanding of music – blended with information and experiences from another discipline – through a publicly-presented capstone project. Fall, Spring, or Summer semesters. Prerequisite: Permission of advisor and department chair. Competency: Culminating Experience (CE), Writing Intensive Tier 3 (W3).
*MUS 388 Frankensax** 0.5 SH
This course will explore the advanced repertoire of the contemporary saxophone ensemble. Emphasis will be placed on music by leading contemporary composers in the jazz idiom as well as student and faculty compositions. The study of this repertoire will prepare students for professional performance and compositional opportunities. Frankensax will perform both on- and off-campus each semester. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
MUS 390, 391 Applied Music 2 SH each
The student will study with a teacher who is highly qualified to teach performance techniques and practices on a given instrument/voice or, in the case of Audio and Music Production majors, qualified to teach studio production, composition, and post-production techniques. Weekly one-hour lessons per semester. Designed for B.S. in Music Education majors and B.M. in Audio and Music Performance majors. MUS 390/Fall; MUS 391/Spring. Prerequisite: Four semesters of MUS 180,181 and passing of Performance Barrier. Upper division core Music requirement.
MUS 392, 393 Applied Music 3 SH each
The student will study with a teacher who is highly qualified to teach performance techniques and practices on a given instrument/voice. Weekly one-hour lessons per semester. Designed for Bachelor of Music degree students only. MUS 392/Fall; MUS 393/Spring. Prerequisite: Successful completion of four semesters of MUS 186, MUS 187 and passing of performance barrier..
*MUS 396 Jazz Orchestra** 0.5 SH
This course will explore the advanced repertoire for the contemporary jazz orchestra. Emphasis will be on music by leading contemporary composers in the jazz idiom as well as student and faculty compositions. The study of this repertoire will prepare students for professional performance and compositional opportunities. The jazz orchestra is the premier jazz ensemble at WCSU and will perform both on- and off-campus each semester. Upper-division core Music requirement. Competency: Creative Process (CP).
*MUS 397 New Music Ensemble** 0.5 SH
This course will explore the advanced repertoire of the contemporary chamber ensemble. Emphasis will be on music by leading contemporary composers, selected music from the 20th Century, and student and faculty compositions. The study of this repertoire will prepare students for professional performance and compositional opportunities. The new music ensemble is WCSU’s premiere chamber ensemble, comprised of the finest student performers and faculty artists. The new music ensemble performs both on- and off-campus each semester.