WCSU Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 : Ancell School of Business

Management Information Systems

Tom Yoon, Chair
Westside Classroom Building 207, Westside Campus
(203) 837-3963
(203) 837- 8955 (fax)

Charlene Parks Jenkins, Department Secretary
WS 346
(203) 837-9386



T. Yoon, Chair E. Collar J. Flynn
P. Nugent


The management information systems (MIS) department curriculum is designed to: educate its students in the use and importance of information as an essential and valuable resource in business decision making processes for all organizations; develop the critical analytical, quantitative and computer skills necessary to address complex business problems; and prepare its students for responsible MIS roles in the public and private sectors.

To accomplish this, this program includes courses in three areas: (1) general education, in order to obtain an appreciation of the arts and sciences; (2) the business core, in order to obtain a sound knowledge of management and administration, as well as the social, economic, legal, and political environments of organizations; and (3) the major, in order to provide in-depth study of management information systems.



Meet the needs of students and organizations by providing state-of-the-art quality in undergraduate and graduate courses.


Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the MIS department should be able to:

  • Use analytical, quantitative, and systems skills to solve complex business problems
  • Work in teams to develop solutions to complex business problems
  • Demonstrate  effective and persuasive written and oral communication skills


Degree Programs in Management Information Systems

Bachelor of Business Administration
B.B.A. Management Information Systems
B.B.A. Management Information Systems: Info Security Management
B.B.A. Cybersecurity

Management Information Systems

Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems

Description: The management information systems (MIS) curriculum is designed to: educate its students in the use and importance of information as an essential and valuable resource in business decision making processes for all organizations; develop the critical analytical, quantitative and computer skills necessary to address complex business problems; and prepare its students for responsible MIS roles in the public and private sectors. 

Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Required Courses in the Major: 58-59 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
MIS 280 COBOL I  3 SH 
MIS 481 Management Information Systems  3 SH 
MIS 495 Seminar in Management Information Systems  3 SH 
MIS Electives Choose Five (5) from the list below.  15-16 SH 
CS 143 Visual Basic, MIS 300 Data Analysis & Integrated Software, MIS 301 Database Apps in Bus, MIS 307 Social Media in Bus, MIS 320 Sys. Simulation, MIS 321 Digital Forensics, MIS 325 Digital Forensics Software, MIS 341 Info Sys. Security, MIS 345 Selected Topics in Bus., MIS 361 Info. Assurance, MIS 385 Fund. Of Data Comm., MIS 386 Decision Support Syst., MIS 389 Info. Sys. Hardware, 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. App. Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; or MAT 181 Calculus I   3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in MIS = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management Information Systems:
Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Free Elective 3 
MIS 260 Info. Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process (CP) 3 
 WRT 101 Composition I (W1)  3-4  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR)  3-4 
Gen Ed: Intercultural Comp. (IC)  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Org. Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Stats. (QR, Rp.t 2)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  MIS Elective I  3 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 340 Business Law  3 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT, Rpt. 1)  3  ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5    Semester 6   
MIS Elective 2  3  MIS Elective 3  3 
MIS 280 COBOL I 3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 6 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 7    Semester 8   
MIS Elective 4  3  MIS 495 MIS Seminar in MIS  3 
MIS 481 Management Information Systems  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
Free electives  9  MIS Elective 5  3 
    Free electives  6 
Total Credits Required for the BBA in MIS = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 



BBA Management Information Systems: Info Security Management 

Description: The management information systems (MIS) curriculum is designed to: educate its students in the use and importance of information as an essential and valuable resource in business decision making processes for all organizations; develop the critical analytical, quantitative and computer skills necessary to address complex business problems; and prepare its students for responsible MIS roles in the public and private sectors. Students may choose to add the Information Security Management Option for additional specialization. 

Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Required Courses in the Major: 58-59 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
MIS 280 COBOL I  3 SH 
MIS 481 Management Information Systems  3 SH 
MIS 495 Seminar in Management Information Systems  3 SH 
Information Security Management Option  
MIS 301 Database Applications in Business  3 SH 
MIS/JLA 341 Info Systems Security  3 SH 
MIS 361 Information Assurance  3 SH 
MIS 385 Fundamentals of Data Communications  3 SH 
Choose One: CS 143 Visual Basic, CS 166 Intro to UNIX, CS 170 Language C++; JLA 225 Prin. of Security, JLA/SOC 336 White Collar Crime, JLA 347 Just. Issues in Domestic. & Intl Terrorism, MIS 307 Social Media in Bus, MIS 321 Digital Forensics, MIS 325 Digital Forensics Software, MIS 389 Info. Syst. Hardware, MAT 127 Intro to Cryptology  3-4 SH 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. App. Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; or MAT 181 Calc I   3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in MIS = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management Information Systems, Info Security Management:

Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Gen Ed: Intercultural Comp. (IC)  3 
MIS 260 Infor. Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process (CP) 3 
Free Elective  3-4  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR) 3-4 
WRT 101 Composition I (W1) 3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Org. Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Stats. (QR, Rp.t 1)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 340 Business Law  3 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT, Rpt. 2)  3  ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5    Semester 6   
MIS 280 COBOL I  3  MIS 301 Database Apps in Bus  3 
MIS/JLA 341 Info Systems Security  3  MIS 361 Information Assurance  3 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  Gen Ed: Breadth  6 
MIS 385 Fund. of Data Comm.  3     
Semester 7    Semester 8   
MIS Elective 3  MIS 495 MIS Seminar in MIS  3 
MIS 481 Management Information Systems  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
Free electives  9  Free electives  6 
Total Credits Required for the BBA in MIS = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 



BBA Cybersecurity

Description: The Cybersecurity degree is designed to provide students with an understanding of the technical and managerial areas of Cybersecurity; prepare students for a wide range of positions in Cybersecurity; provide a learning environment in which students can experience real-world organizational security scenarios. 

Degree Requirements
All degrees at WCSU require 120 semester hours (SH). This includes major requirements, general education requirements, cognates (where applicable), and free electives. This structure provides room for minors, internships, and study abroad.   

Learning Outcomes:

The program will enable students to attain, by the time of graduation, to:

  1. Develop solutions for networking and security problems, balancing business concerns, technical issues and security.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts, tools and methods used to secure computer systems.
  3. Explain the concepts of confidentiality, availability and integrity in Cybersecurity including physical, software, devices, policies and people.
  4. Plan, implement and evaluate penetration testing and ethical hacking of computer systems.
  5. Identify, analyze and mitigate threats to internal computer systems.

Required Courses in the Major: 67 SH.  

MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell Undergraduate Programs  1 SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3 SH 
ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 SH 
FIN 230 Business Statistics  3 SH 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3 SH 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3 SH 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3 SH 
MIS 260 Information Systems Concepts (IL)  3 SH 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3 SH 
MKT 305 Global Environment of Business (IC)  3 SH 
JLA 240 Commercial Law OR ACC 340 Business Law I  3 SH 
MGT 415 Strategic Management (CE, W3)  3 SH 
Cybersecurity Requirements 
Select one (1) MIS/CS Programming Language Course: MIS 280 COBOL I, CS 140 Intro to Programming, CS 143 Visual Basic, CS 170 Language C++, CS 265 Computer Security Implementation with Java  3 SH 
MIS 301 Database Applications in Business  3 SH 
MIS 321 Digital Forensics I 3 SH
MIS/JLA 341 Info Systems Security  3 SH 
MIS 361 Information Assurance  3 SH 
MIS 385 Fundamentals of Data Communications  3 SH 
MIS 389 Information Systems Hardware  3 SH 
MIS 440 Network Security and Defense  3 SH 
MIS 450 Penetration Testing  3 SH 
Cybersecurity Electives: Choose three (3) from the list below: 
MIS 307 Social Media in Bus, MIS 325 Digital Forensics Software, MIS 481 Mgmt. Info. Syst., MIS 495 Seminar in MIS, CS 110 Website Prod., CS 166 Intro to UNIX, JLA 225 Prin of Security, JLA 260 Princ or Emergency Mgt & Homeland Security, MAT 127 Intro to Cryptology 9 SH 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3 SH 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3 SH 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
ECO 213 Principles. of Microeconomics (CT) pre-req MAT 118 or higher  3 SH 
MAT 118/118E Elem. App. Math; MAT 133 Pre-calc; MAT 135 Diff Bus Calc & Apps; or MAT 181 Calculus I   3 SH 
Minimum GPA for the BBA in Cybersecurity = 2.0. 

General Education
: All students must complete the General Education curriculum. General Education Requirements include both competency and breadth requirements. In some cases, major courses will satisfy competencies. These are indicated in the parentheses after the course title. For a complete description of the General Education program, follow this link. https://catalogs.wcsu.edu/ugrad/academic-programs-degrees/ 

Cognates: In some programs there are courses outside of the major that are required as pre-requisites or enhancements to the major course work. These courses may satisfy competencies and they will count toward the general education breadth requirement. If cognate courses are required, they are included in the list of courses required in the major.  

Electives: All degrees require 120 semester hours.  Elective credits are opportunities for minors, internships, study abroad, and just following general interests. We encourage all students to speak with their advisors about great opportunities for their elective courses.  

Sample Four Year Plan: BBA Management Information Systems, Cybersecurity:
Four-year plans are suggestions. Plans change. Consult your advisor to adjust your plan.  

Semester 1  SH  Semester 2  SH 
MKT 101 Orientation to Ancell (FY)  1  Gen Ed: Intercultural Competency (IC)  3 
MIS 260 Information Sys. Concepts (IL)  3  Gen Ed: Health and Wellness (HW)  2 
COM 160 Public Speaking (OC); OR COM 161 Decision Making in Groups (OC); OR COM 163 Intro to Human Comm (OC)  3  Gen Ed: Creative Process (CP) 3 
Free Elective 3-4  MAT 118/MAT 118E/MAT 133/MAT 135/MAT 181 (QR) 3-4 
WRT 101 Composition I (W1) 3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Gen Ed: Breadth  3     
Semester 3  SH  Semester 4  SH 
ACC 201 Financial Accounting  3  ACC 202 Managerial Accounting  3 
MGT 250 Organizational Behavior (CT)  3  FIN 230 Business Stats. (QR, Rp.t 2)  3 
WRT 210 Managerial Writing (W2)  3  Gen Ed Scientific Inquiry (SI)  4 
MKT 200 Principles of Marketing  3  JLA 240 Comm. Law OR ACC 340 Business Law  3 
ECO 211 Principles of Macroeconomics (CT, Rpt. 1)  3  ECO 213 Principles of Microeconomics (CT)  3 
Semester 5    Semester 6   
MIS/JLA 341 Info Sys Security  3  MIS 321 Digital Forensics I 3 
MIS/CS Programming Lang. Course  3  MIS 385 Fund. of Data Communications  3 
MGT 320 Operations Management  3  Cybersecurity Elective 2  3 
FIN 310 Principles of Finance  3  MIS 301 Database Apps in Business  3 
Cybersecurity Elective I  3  Gen Ed: Breadth 3 
Semester 7    Semester 8   
MIS 440 Network Security & Defense  3  MIS 389 Info. Systems Hardware  3 
MIS 361 Information Assurance  3  MIS 450 Penetration Testing 3 
MKT 305 Global Env. Bus (IC, Rpt. 3)  3  MGT 415 Strategic Mgt. (CE, W3)  3 
Free Electives  5 Cybersecurity Elective 3  3 
    Free Elective 3
Total Credits Required for the BBA in Cybersecurity = 120; Minimum GPA 2.0. 


Minor in Management Information Systems 18 SH

Eighteen semester hours are required in order to obtain a minor in management information systems. Please see your advisor to review all program requirements.

The minor requires the combination of six (6) of the following courses:
MIS 300 Data Analysis and Integration Software
MIS 301 Database Applications in Business
MIS 311 Business Models
MIS 320 Systems Simulation
MIS/JLA 341 Information Systems Security
MIS 345 Selected Topics in Business
MIS 361 Information Assurance
MIS 385 Fundamentals of Data Communications
MIS 386 Decision Support Systems
MIS 389 Information Systems Hardware
MIS 405 Business Applications Using Microcomputers
MIS 475 Management of Information Systems and Information Technology
MIS 481 Management Information Systems
MIS 495 Seminar in Management Information Systems

Minor in Cybersecurity 18 SH

Eighteen semester hours are required in order to obtain a minor in cybersecurity. Students wishing to minor should consult with the MIS department chair.

The following five (5) required courses:
MIS 301 Database Applications in Business
MIS 341 Information Systems Security
MIS 361 Information Assurance
MIS 385 Fundamental of Data Communications
MIS 440 Network Security and Defense
One Elective from the List Below (3 SH)
MIS 321 Digital Forensics
MIS 325 Digital Forensics Software
MIS 389 Information Systems Hardware
MIS 450 Penetration Testing



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